jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016


He wakes up at 7:00 am, but he gets up at 7:15. He has breakfast at 7:30 am because he takes a shower later. He dries his hair with a drying machine, but his body with a towel. Finally, he goes to work on a farm far away from his home.

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2016


Hi Angie,
How are you? I really miss you. I live in Puebla city with my cousin, I miss my family and pets and all my friends especially you. I have some friends but no one's like you.
Sometimes I'm sad, I miss a lot my sisters Hali and Andrea but not all is bad. I study ARQ at ITESM, my carrer is amazing. In this week I in "Semana i" is facinating,  I am go sell chales, Huipiles and scares, thse things are very nice.
I love you friend
I miss you
I will go next order you to see, I promise
Take care

This hotel is great and amazing. It´s near the beach in Cancún, and it has a beautiful view. In summer it´s very hot. In the hotel there arepool and delicius food. In night there is amazing show, for example flok dance. Every night there are different show. 
In the room there are food, snacks and drinks. You can watch TV while listen to the sea.
I love this hotel.

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016


To: angiesunt@gmail.com
Hi Angie, 
How are you? In tjis moment I live in Puebla with my cousins.
My family is big, My dad's name is Arnulfo, he is a engineer and my mother's name is Yaci a with me! My dad likes football and my mom likes watches television .My fathers are amazing. I love them!
I have two sisters Andrea and Hali. Andrea is 15 years old and she is very beautiful, Andrea likes listening to music and swimming. My sister Hali is 6 years old, she likes plays soccer with my dad and and watches television. She's very beautiful. 
I have two dogs, their names are Nora and Canela. They are very lovely, and finally I have a rabbit, her name is Brandy, she is white and little.
I love very much my family.
Write soon.